Our Story

AIRS: AI + Robotics

AIRS Medical began with a shared vision: to transform healthcare through the power of AI and robotics. Born from the expertise of medical and engineering leaders at South Korea’s prestigious Seoul National University, AIRS Medical was founded by CEO Hyeseong Lee, M.D., and Chair of the Board Jingu Lee. Their profound belief in the potential to prevent illness, not just treat it, fuels our unwavering mission.


We understand that traditional healthcare often focuses on addressing symptoms after they arise. At AIRS Medical, we envision a world where cutting-edge technology empowers individuals to take charge of their well-being. Our revolutionary AI and robotics products are designed to shift healthcare from a reactive model to a proactive, preventive one. We aim to detect potential health risks early, personalize wellness strategies, and enhance lives around the world.

Redefining Medical Imaging with SwiftMR™

Our commitment to innovation led to a groundbreaking achievement in medical imaging: winning the Facebook and NYU Langone Health fastMRI Challenges. Our success in these challenges showcased the exceptional capabilities of our early AI algorithms, paving the way for SwiftMR™ development. This achievement highlights our profound technical expertise in AI and image reconstruction and fuels our core mission: to redefine healthcare with cutting-edge AI solutions that make a tangible difference in patient lives.


Today, this mission is realized through SwiftMR™, currently used in over 15 countries with over 140 million scans performed. By dramatically reducing MRI scan times, SwiftMR™ enhances the cost-effectiveness of MRI imaging. This empowers more widespread use of MRIs for early disease screening and diagnosis, shifting healthcare from a reactive model toward a proactive, preventive one. 

Accelerating Early Diagnosis & Prevention with SwiftMR™

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a powerful diagnostic tool that offers many advantages, including low radiation exposure, high sensitivity and specificity for disease screening. However, traditional MRIs are hampered by long scan times and high costs. SwiftMR™ solves these challenges, enabling more efficient and cost-effective MRI imaging. This makes MRI a more accessible and powerful option for early disease screening and diagnosis. By empowering healthcare providers to detect potential health risks earlier, SwiftMR™ helps transform the healthcare paradigm from reactive to preventive, ultimately enhancing lives through proactive health and wellness. 

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